Weekly Meditation and Insight Night

Where: Zoom live

Time: 6pm Mondays AWST

If you are seeking to fast track yourself and your life, meditation is an incredibly powerful tool.

Enjoy a sample of my free meditations below or better still, join me on a regular live meditation each Monday via Zoom. Contact me if you would like to know more. I look forward to seeing you inside the group.

Meditation is your personal support system. This is the tool that you will need to stay aligned, anchored, connected and strong through the journey of your life.

If you are seeking to fast track yourself and your life, meditation is an incredibly powerful tool.

Not only does meditation de-stress you, move you beyond overwhelm, give you more energy and connection. Meditation will take you away from all the distractions and noise within and connect you to the well of inner knowing, power and potential that resides within you.

“Kaye Doran’s meditations are vastly different to my previous experiences of meditation. They are tailored at a deep and meaningful level to meet the needs of the ladies in the group.”

Maree Crosbie

Meditation means to become familiar with.

As you learn to calm and command your mind and bring your energy and spirit back into the present moment, it will develop the witness in you. This witness leads you to answers, insight, heightened inner knowing, energetic and emotional clearing, so that you can uplevel yourself and your life.

Stop being influenced by outside sources. Become the architect of your life, connect to the source of the I AM that exists within you, the place where all potential exists and where change can take place in a quantum leap.

“I look forward to group with Kaye and the other women – it’s a must in my week. Learning from Kaye and the other’s experiences gives me deep gratitude. I have gained so much from this safe space and Kaye always tailors the meditations to empower and energise us for the week ahead.

Kira Thomson

Meditation will change your life.

This group is suitable for all levels of meditative experience. In over three decades of creating and facilitating guided meditations, I have never met someone who cannot meditate when guided and taught correctly. The meditations are created on the spot according to the group needs and the beauty of not leaving your own home, is that you are left to remain in this peaceful place for as long as you choose. No sudden jolt back to reality in order to gather your things and drive home.

This is one of the most powerful gifts of self-worth and self-love that you could possibly give yourself.

I look forward to seeing you inside the group.

“I attend Kaye’s weekly meditation group via Zoom on a Monday evening. I can sit in the comfort of my own home and feel connected and part of a beautiful and inclusive group of authentic women. We always finish with a powerful meditation that Kaye guides us through. Her beautiful voice calms, focuses and clears away the chatter so I can hear and feel my own knowing. Every meditation is different and is exactly what is needed in that moment. Kaye’s weekly meditation group is the perfect way to begin the week and set the tone for my week ahead. I highly recommend this.” 

Nicole Croucher

“Kaye has taught me to live in the moment, to not constantly worry about the future or feel guilty about the past. I know that what I have learnt in Kaye’s sessions I will take with me through whatever life throws at me and will make me a far happier, calmer and a more positive person. I would recommend this amazing, unique, inspiring group to everyone.”

Vicki White

Free Meditations

Sun Meditation

14 minutes

Use this meditation when you feel that life is getting chaotic or challenging.  When you feel affected by what is happening within your life and around you.  This meditation will make you feel calm, strong, centred and radiant.  Unaffected by what is happening within your life.  This is a quick yet powerful meditation bringing your attention back to yourself.


The sun meditation is a beautiful meditation. I remember that we are like the sun, we are our own energy, vibrancy, strength and radiance and like the sun a reminder to let our world revolve around us while being the beautiful energy that we are. I love, love, love this meditation as it is powerful and reminds us how to be in this life of ours.

Susan Jones

Call Back Your Eneregy. Call Forth Your Success Meditation.

21 minutes

All too often we project our thoughts, feelings and energy into the past or into the future and our fears or with others.  This 21 minute meditation will have you calling back this energy and focus so that you can ignite your future successful self within and have it grow and expand.  This meditation is designed so that you can ignite all your senses with this energy of your potential,  so that the connection becomes stronger than your doubts.


I had one of those days yesterday where I found it really difficult to get moving and take action towards my business.  It all just felt too hard. So I did the ‘Call forth your success’ meditation.  It is the best guided meditation I have ever done.  I felt such clarity and calm afterwards and the amount I accomplished yesterday was unbelievable given how I felt before I did the meditation.  I highly recommend if you want to feel clear and focused.  You don’t need to know how to meditate to do it.

Nicole Croucher

Expanding Your Capacity Meditation

30 minutes

Expanding your capacity is a meditation to allow your capacity in all areas of your life for greater abundance, success, love and joy.  We all have a set capacity to receive according to subconscious beliefs. If you overfill this capacity eg monetary abundance you will reach your tipping point. Reaching your tipping point means that you need to get rid of the excess money in order to come back to your pre-set capacity. You might do this by creating a sudden unexpected bill etc. Same as your capacity for a loving relationship e.g. you reach your tipping point so you create a disagreement to bring you back. This meditation is designed to help you consciously expand your capacity mentally, emotionally and energetically.

Music by Dr Wayne W. Dyer and James F. Twyman

Wow! Kaye’s angelic voice and direction guided me to a space where I met someone I have only had small glimpses of lately.  Me! Happy tears were flowing. Visions of abundance and joy.  I actually felt the expansion around me and not only saw myself in new situations but fully felt its reality. Even to situations a week ago I said I couldn’t possibly do. I feel changed and so light.

Expanding your capacity is an incredible meditation.

Justine Drogemuller