
Empowering Uniqueness: The Transformative Journey of Kaye Doran & Inner Expressions PTY LTD

“Embarking on a transformative journey, Kaye Doran, the director at Inner Expressions Pty Ltd, defies the norms of a commercialized world by dedicating her work to empowering individuals. Guided by an inner voice, her journey unfolds as a celebration of uniqueness and self discovery, shaping a purposeful life and inspiring others to do the same.” – Patrick Hudson, Editor, CIOTODAY Magazine


Business Outstanders had the privilege of interviewing Kaye Doran, a visionary entrepreneur, and transformational leader who has spent decades empowering women to unlock their inner power and realise their full potential. With a unique blend of skills and modalities, Kaye has helped countless women break free from self-doubt and limitations and take charge of their lives. In this interview, we’re thrilled to explore kay’s remarkable journey, insights, and wisdom on leadership, personal growth, and the power of self-worth.

Business Outstanders Magazine and Media Company

The Beautiful Souls Podcast

with Danielle Kettlewell

The Beautiful Souls Podcast is where Danielle Kettlewell – Olympian, Author, Speaker & Coach – shares authentically & openly all things from manifestation, energy & spirituality to mindset, goals & how to step into your highest alignment.


“Kaye was a magnificent guest on the Beautiful Souls Podcast. I loved her wisdom, guidance, enthusiasm and energy that she brought to the interview!” – Danielle Kettlewell

Episode 131: Listen to Your Inner Knowing and the Spiritual Side of Parenting with Kaye Doran

In this episode we dive into Kaye’s incredible life story – how her first ever meditation led to her spiritual awakening, to raising children with the spiritual lens to finding herself within workplace bullying.

You will love the wisdom and insight Kaye has on life from her years of being the embodiment of this work.

‘Memoirs of Successful Women’ Podcast

Annie Gibbins is Founder and CEO of Women’s Biz Global whose goal is to educate, motivate, and elevate women so they can have the freedom to live a life they love. Women’s Biz Media will help you discover extraordinary women via our Podcast ‘Memoirs of Success Women’ and reaches 12M potential readers via Women’s Biz Magazine.


After interviewing Kaye Doran on my podcast program, I loved the way she shared with such authenticity around her purpose and passion to empower women in their journey of becoming. I was therefore not surprised when ‘A journey of riches’ became an international best seller and am now thrilled Kaye’s voice is being used to help others unleash their inner superhero.

Annie Gibbins Founder Women’s Biz Global


In this episode, Annie Gibbins interviews Kaye to discuss how she came to collaborate in her new book; what motivates her life and pushes her past her comfort zone; what happens when you view fear as a friend; her experience re-entering the workforce in her 40s and spending 10 years being bullied; the importance of  being guided by her inner voice of knowing, power and potential, aligning to your values, choosing joy regardless of external circumstances and much, much more.

The Universe is Your Sugar Daddy

With Alexis Jane

If you have been reading all the books and listening to all of the things on how to manifest, but STILL haven’t been able to crack the codes to your abundance, this is the show for you.

For coaches to entrepreneurs who are ready for MASSIVE growth. This show is to help you unlock your unique abundance codes, learn to trust the universe and have fun in the process.


I met Kaye through a mutual friend and I interviewed her on my podcast and I could have spoken to Kaye for hours about all things manifesting and how life is working for us. Kaye is a beautiful soul and very easy chat with.

Alexis Jane – The Universe is Your Sugar Daddy


Episode 12: Conscious manifesting with Kaye Doran

Have you ever tried to repeatedly verbalize positive affirmations? Did it influence your thinking and affected your state of mind? When you use positive affirmations, which are usually short positive statements targeted at a specific subconscious set of beliefs, it exerts a powerful influence one’s negative beliefs and replace them with positive self-nurturing ones. In this episode, we meet the gorgeous Divine Kaye Doran who is a woman women’s shamanic leadership coach. She is phenomenal.

‘Give Hope a Chance’ Summit

How do we have a zest for life or as Kaye sees it, living a life we love? What is hope and how do we elevate it into ‘knowing’ or what some call faith. Kaye discusses how to listen to the voice of knowing within the intelligence of the heart and how to make fear our friend.

Six experienced Life Coaches and Other Speaker Analysts share their knowledge and experience on the much-needed subject of Life & Hope.


Dear Kaye

It was an absolute privilege to have you on the program.
This video is a testimony to your deep spiritual beliefs and your profound knowledge of human behaviour.

This is a lecture I could hear at least once a month to remind myself that ultimately, I have the power to make a change. An idea that you have so beautifully expressed in this video”.

Jagdeep Bhatia ~ ZEST FOR LEFE.
‘Give Hope a Chance’ Summit Host


Kaye was fantastic! She was easy to work with, shared so many valuable and applicable tips my listeners can apply in their day-to-day life, and genuinely just a nice person to connect with. Highly recommend!

Nika Lawrie, BA, CHC, BCS, FNS Functional Nutrition + Behavior Change Specialist, Owner/Founder, Health + Hustle Podcast

This Episode: Mastering The Power of Change Through Physical and Spiritual Tools

Fit for Joy is a conversation about the “true” meaning of health from Valeria Teles’ professional view as a fitness trainer and first-prize fitness competitor, as well as her personal experiences.

The podcast explores meaningful truths, ideas, and insights about physical, mental and spiritual health to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us toward a new way of being well.


It was a wonderful experience to have had a conversation with ‪Kaye Doran during our Quest for Well-Being podcast interview! Her clarity and compassionate presence reflected her commitment to healing and transforming lives.

Valeria Teles
Host of  ‘Fit for Joy’

Healing Conversation # 383:
True Leadership Starts from Within

This episode is a very calming and insightful conversation about the physical and spiritual that explores the voice of knowing, power and potential, our purpose in life, meditation, energy, shamanic healing, internal leadership and so much more.

Audio or sonic branding influences us in many different ways and in many different places within our lives. In this podcast, Jodi interviews knowledgeable professionals in the field of advertising, marketing, music and science to explore the “hidden gem” of marketing – how you can keep a consistent sound in how you present your company.


Kaye was a wonderful guest on the Audio Branding podcast.  She clearly has an extensive expertise in healing with sound and I knew it would be the perfect thing an audience in the midst of a global pandemic would want – and NEED – to hear.  She definitely delivered.

Jodi Krangle
Host of  ‘Audio Branding’

Interview with Life Coach & Shamanic Sound Healer, Kaye Doran – Parts 1 and 2

Kaye has a way of helping you recognize what that pull for more is all about, and how to both be aware of it and then act on it to uncover your power and potential.  She is so relatable and easy to talk to, as well as being someone who will hold you accountable to pursue what you know you need to do.

Amanda Edwards
Host of  ‘Imperfectly Ambitious’

Imperfectly Ambitious will empower you to build a life and a career that you love. You CAN have both. We talk about mindset, business, leadership, and how to make space for the things that matter most – both in life and in business. Be prepared to be inspired and equipped weekly, with tips and strategies to help you take action one step at a time, towards building the vision you have for your life. Join us each week for real, relatable conversations and business mentorship!

This Episode  053: The Power of Listening to Your Inner Voice

We all have it, but so often we don’t want to listen, don’t take the time to listen, or are too afraid to listen.  In this episode, Kaye talks about listening to your inner voice, and stepping into your power and potential.

She felt a void.  There was a pull for something more and she knew that there was something else that she needed to be doing.  Now she is helping other women become aware of how to honour themselves and choose to step into their potential.

Kaye takes us through what this has looked like in her life, and how she helps other women to do the same.

Young Women need access to educational experiences, programming, and our incredible sisterhood. We are on a mission to inspire the next generation of women to dream without limitations and pursue their unlimited potential!

Because when you teach her to dream, she’ll change the world!


I had the opportunity to interview Kaye on my podcast recently. She was a phenomenal guest and I enjoyed having her share her story. She has so much to share and I am sure her impact is positive with anyone who is able to meet her or be in her presence.

Maiah Chanel
Host of  ‘Made to Dream’


I had the pleasure of having Kaye Doran on my show I Am This Woman. Kaye has a beautiful peace about her and has so many jewels she provides. One of my favorites is “These are my fears, they are not my truth”. Kaye speaks from the heart and creates a space for us to know we choose who we are. She is definitely a gift to this world.

Barbara Hoard
Host – I Am This Woman

This Episode

Kaye discusses how fears can be signpost telling us we are heading in the right direction beyond our current comfort zone. She discusses how we need to listen to and be directed by our inner voice.

Thrive With Omu

By Omu Obilor

Don’t just expect to grow….. be intentional about it! Thrive with Omu is an inspirational, motivational and educational show about living life to it’s fullest. It focuses on personal and professional development. Improve yourself first and everything else will follow.


I met Kaye on Facebook and never did I imagine how lovely and open she would be. Our first meeting over zoom lasted longer than we thought. Her warmth and readiness to share her knowledge and experience was exceptional. She opened up and shared from her heart. I instantly felt her passion. I’d work with Kaye any day.


Omu Obilor
Coach. Transition & Transformation and
Host of Living Your Best Life Intentionally


Kaye is amazing. It was a wonderfully informative and very enjoyable experience.  I think she would be a great guest on any podcast.

Theresa Crowley – RN Health Tips from Theresa Crowley RN, for Motivation | Personal Development | Coaching

This Episode

Knowing that we were not born to be resilient has to be learned. Kaye is a believer in the power of breathing, a good breath is cleansing and helpful in maintaining good health.

The 2 cornerstones of our conversation:

  1. Learn how to develop your resilience muscle.
  2. Getting back into the driver’s seat of our life.

I was blessed to have Kaye as a guest on my podcast A Magical Life: health, wealth & weightloss. Our time discussing personal development, bullying, self-leadership and resilience was amazing. Kaye shared her experiences, knowledge and heart with my listeners. By far, one of the easiest guests to appear and Kaye left the listeners with an abundance of great tips to implement in their own lives. I highly recommend Kaye as a guest, a coach and a change maker. Take a listen to this fabulous episode and you will see how wonderful Kaye is.

Magic Barclay – Host of A Magical Life Podcast

This Episode

Throughout Kaye Doran’s career path, she has encountered quite a lot of bullying. Toxic teams and toxic environments caused her to compromise her values and integrity and her health took a turn.

Today she’s here to tell you how she has turned her skills for coaching to dismantle toxic teams and help women lead themselves out of toxic situations so that they can create a better life.



Kaye Doran has been a brilliant guest to the Meaningful Work, Meaningful life podcast, offering inspiring and very practical strategies to breakthrough our comfort zone and live our best life now.

Francine Beleyi – Founder & Digital Strategist, nucleus of change, Author of Personal Branding in the Digital Age, Host of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life Podcast

This Episode

In this conversation, you’ll discover why Kaye believes that we all have the power of change in our hands. You’ll also learn:

  • How having emotionally unavailable parents at a younger age became a gift in her adult life
  • How the worst situations (including the current pandemic with coronavirus) are an opportunity to go deep inside and connect to the gift it offers 
  • What returning in the workforce in her 40s after running her business taught her
  • The process she uses to get people unstuck and create breakthrough
  • Why we sometimes sabotage our life when things are going well
  • The power of honouring our words
  • How to define and commit to your stabilizers and design the life you want
  • Why you should be self-accountable 


Kaye believes that you are more deserving than you think and recommends to honour yourself and follow through!


Kaye is easily one of the most insightful coaches I’ve ever spoken with! I’ve interviewed more than 50 prominent business and personal coaches. Her clarity and effectiveness are totally breathtaking.

Logan Fields’ B2B Podcast